Why T-Library?

Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, next to water. Though the per capita consumption of tea in the US is quite low compared to countries like the UK and China, the growth in tea consumption in recent years has been impressive. However, there are problems that make people have a hard time figuring out the right way to drink team.

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The Concept

Through interviews and research of tea drinkers from different cultural backgrounds, I’ve concluded that, for them, drinking tea is often similar to reading a book. Many of them choose to drink a cup of tea while enjoying a good read. They also tend to select a certain kind of tea the way they decide which book to read - they are actually looking for the one that best speaks to their current mood.

Therefore, T- Library associates drinking tea with reading books and provides a haven for customers to explore their inner selves in this library of tea, making a stronger bond between people and tea. Every flavor of tea represents a different mood. When you find the right “tea book”, you’ve found a path to yourself.

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Packaging Design

The packaging of T-Library is designed to look like books. Each tea flavor is named after a different type of mood which will appear as the title of that tea book. This way, every flavor of tea can be seen as a book of human emotions. Customers are encouraged choose their mood (instead of going for a particular tea flavor), and they will have a new experience of savoring the tea as they embrace their state of mind fully in that moment.


Space Design

Upon entering the T-Library store, the guest will first gaze upon the different color packagings stacked neatly upon the walls of the space, such as a child first entering a library full of interesting reads.


In-Store Experience
